Donating online is secure and private. Contributions are 100% tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) click here to review. Every dollar donated provides meals, educational services to women and girls. Also help the organization to raise funds for a 24 hour facility to house more women and girls. We accept American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.
Many companies offer a matching gift program to extend their employees’ charitable giving. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees, board members, and/or spouses/partners. Please find out if your company matches your donation and contact us if you need additional assistance or verification of your donation.
Donate by Mail
Mail check or money order donations to:
Trinity Girls Network Corp.
2180 Satellite Blvd, Suite 400
Buford, GA
Become an In Kind Sponsor
We need the following In Kind Sponsors printing, advertising, graphic design, postage, food and beverage, signage, computers, donated products, and copy machines. If you have an item to donate please contact us to discuss its value to our organization. We will continually seek donations of products and services to keep our costs down and direct our limited financial resources towards feeding the hungry, educating and housing for abused women. We always need a floor and window cleaning partner as well as a video and photography partner. Can we count on you or your company to donate services or an auction item? If not, please make a financial donation to help offset the cost of these services.
Become a Sponsor
Please let us know how you want to be a part of our organization!